Zium is more than a place where high performers come to be their best.

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27 Division St, New York,
NY 10002, USA

working hours

Mon – Fri: 7.00 – 22.00
St – Sun: 9.00 – 20.00

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Rustam Boboev

Wrestling Coach

Born and raised in Paniakent,Taiikistan,Coach Bobo

began wrestling at the young age of 7 years old! He is a Tajikistan National wrestling champion amongst numerous other accolades. With almost 2 decades of wrestling experience under his beltheis avaluable addition to the METHOD MMA coaching team.

He moved to Shanghai in 2014 to attend university, which is where he met Coach Kemal and the legendary Moonface Manuwho introduced Bobo to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.Having had difficultyfinding a competitive wrestling gym in Shanghai, Bobo took to the newsport extremely well,having won numerous BJJ competitions in the past few years.